牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修二 Unit 2 Sports culture Extended reading & Project 教案 您所在的位置:网站首页 sports idioms翻译 牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修二 Unit 2 Sports culture Extended reading & Project 教案

牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修二 Unit 2 Sports culture Extended reading & Project 教案

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Unit 2 Sports cultureExtended reading & Project 教学设计科目:英语 课题:Extended reading & Project 课时:1课时教学目标与核心素养:知识目标:探索英语体育习语的翻译方法,了解不同文化之间的共性和特性,增进相关语言文化的深层次理解。。能力目标:学会制作人物事实档案,探讨人物身上的优秀品格,反思如何学习和践行。情感目标:获取更多中外优秀运动员的信息,学习他们优秀的品质和不屈的精神。教学重难点:教学重点:学习有关体育运动的英语习语,并能在具体语境中恰当地运用,提高语言运用能力。教学难点:探索和学习更多英语习语,学会比较汉语和英语的习语,理解文化差异。课前准备:多媒体,黑板,粉笔教学过程:一、Pre-reading1. Greeting2. Leading-in教师活动:展示有关运动的习语,向学生提问。What do you know about them Can you understand them at the first sight 二、While- reading教师活动:让学生阅读文章,找出习语,归纳其意思。Idiom Meaning in sporting event Meaning in everyday lifemove the goalposts changing the location of the goalposts Unfairly changing the rules or requirements for somethingscore an own goal accidentally kicking or heading the ball into one's own net making a bad mistake which unintentionally harms one's own interestsin the ballpark/a ballpark estimate The ball is somewhere in the ballpark during during a baseball game. rough estimatesthrow someone a curveball throwing a ball that suddenly turns in the air presenting someone things that are unexpected and difficult to respond toThree strikes and you are out A batter is out after making three unsuccessful attempts to hit the ball. failing after wasting three chancesbelow the belt hitting the opponent a below the waist a behavior that is unfair and harmfulthrow in the towel throwing a towel into the ring to end the fight admitting defeat and giving up教师活动:让学生用习语造句。They seem to move the goalposts every time I meet the conditions which are required.好像每当我达到规定条件时,他们就改变规则。His team scored an own goal when they played against Argentina.他的球队在与阿根廷队比赛时踢进了一个乌龙球。I will call today to get a ballpark estimate of the cost.我今天会打电话来大致估算一下修车的费用If we believe ourselves, then we can still have peace and joy even when life throws us a curveball.如果我们相信自己,那么即使当生命中有突如其来之事发生时,我们仍能拥有平安和喜乐。教师活动:让学生仔细阅读文章,判断正误。()1. Idioms, which are groups of words with meanings different from the meanings of the individual words, make language less colorful and expressive.()2. It is thought that the English language is full of idioms connected with football.()3. If someone “moves the goalposts” in everyday life, that will be fair because of unchanged rules or requirements for something.()4. Football is the only old and popular sport in many English-speaking countries.()5. “Scoring an own goal” in football can be used when someone makes a bad mistake which unintentionally harms their own interests.()6. When it comes to talking about rough estimates people often use the expression "in the ballpark" or "ballpark estimate".答案:FTFFTT教师活动:指导学生分析文中句子所含语法Anaylze the sentences1. An insurance salesman who is about to reach his annual sales target, only for the company to make the target higher, could rightly complain about the company moving the goalposts. 一位保险推销员即将达到他的年度销售目标,但公司却把目标定得更高,那他就可以理由充分地抱怨公司是在“移动球门柱”。不定式(短语)和现在分词(短语)作结果状语的区别不定式(短语)作结果状语表示意料之外的结果,常与 only,never等连用(但是有时only, never不一定接不定式作结果状语);现在分词(短语)作结果状语表示顺其自然的结果,常与 thus等连用。He woke up and looked out of the window, only to find the world outside greatly changed.他醒来看向窗外,结果发现外面的世界发生了巨大的变化。His father was lost in the war, never to be heard of again.他的父亲在战争中失踪了,结果再也没了消息。(hear of与其逻辑主语His father之间是被动关系,所以用 to be done)2. This idiom is often used to talk about situations where you miss three chances.表抽象地点的名词后的定语从句当先行词是 point,situation,stage,condition,case,position,activity 等,表示某人或某物所处的情况或发展的阶段的名词,并且关系词在定语从句中作地点状语时,定语从句常用where或“介词+which”引导。I've come to the point where I can't stand him.我已经到了无法忍受他的地步了。I have reached a point in my life where I am supposed to make decisions of my own.我已经到了人生中一个应该自己做决定的阶段了。学生活动:完成选择题。1. The captain isn't playing, so the vice-captain is __________instead.A. racing against timeB. taking sidesC. calling the shots2. When Nick gets into trouble, his friends try to__________A. get him off the hookB. blow him awayC. hit him below the belt3. Ruben looked really tired after six rounds, but then he __________ and won!A. got a second windB. threw in the towelC. made the cut4. The question caught her__________.A. off baseB. under the tableC. up to par5. I'm afraid I'm busy tonight, but can I __________ A. get a head startB. make the cutC. take a rain check6.There are problems in every department, so the changes have to be __________.A .a shot in the darkB. par for the courseC. across the board答案:CAACAC三、After-reading教师活动:提出问题,让学生思考回答。Do you know any Chinese sports idioms Make a list of them and explain how they are different from or similar to English sports idioms.教师活动:让学生从如下方面入手,讨论和分享自己喜欢的体育运动员。Basic informationProfessional careerAchievementsAdditional facts学生活动:写一篇文章介绍自己喜欢的体育运动员。四、Homework复习本节内容,完成同步练习。








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